Motomanų Diskusijos » Likimo broliai užsienyje » Motomanai Anglijoje » Anglijos motomanai

| 2005-09-16 MTGrafas | 2327/810116 žinut.
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600cc ****

Nukopijuota is anglisko forumo.Paskaitykit kaip draudimo kompanija pavadinimu Hastings Direct elgiasi su savo klientais. Beja linksmu Sv. Kaledu ir metu Nauju is kaimynines airijos.


Original Poster: "A chap I know had a horrific, near-fatal accident in March ans has received nothing but contemtuous treatment from Hastings. Here follows a little rant from him that he has said we can freely cut and past into any mtoring based forums we use, as his dealing with them are done. These are not my words, but those of a very poorly treated customer."

"Hastings Direct

Having finally decided to settle and put this whole sorry episode behind me, I feel I am now fully justified in telling everyone who is interested, just how contemptuously Hastings Direct have recently treated me, I am not suggesting Hastings Direct treat all of their customers like this, however, I find it a bit hard to imagine they just thought this up for my case alone.

Allow me to explain.

I was involved in a RTA in March 2011, where I lost control of my bike, at low speed, while approaching temporary lights, resulting in me being thrown into the oncoming traffic and impacting a Luton van and sustaining a list of horrific impact injuries. At this point in time the suspected cause of the accident was road surface contamination.

Unfortunately, I had insured through Hastings Direct.

First, I arrive home after 8 weeks in hospital (5 of which in a coma) to letters from Hastings Direct threatening legal action for my not responding, despite the fact that they had been informed I was in a critical, comatose condition and could be for some time!

But of course, Hastings Direct will only deal with the policy holder, so what information they had been given, was apparently discarded or ignored.

Once the police had closed their investigation and released the bike, Hastings Direct, then authorised a third party to remove my bike from the police storage facility - without my consent - obviously authorising this third party to treat my bike with total disregard, by 'slamming' it down side first, causing yet more damage and transporting it across Scotland, laid on it's side consolidating the destruction.

Please bear in mind at this point, I have still not lodged a claim with Hastings Direct and as such the bike is still mine!

Why didn't I raise a claim? You may ask, well, the answer is simple, after speaking to the attendant police officers and having them describe 'cosmetic damage' and realising that I had my luggage system on board, I decided I wanted to view the bike for myself and have the opportunity to remove my luggage system and it's contents (fortunately for Hastings Direct , the contents amount to a set of waterproofs, a luggage net and a small tool kit - hardly worth mentioning, however, they were still my property).

I then receive a letter from Hastings Direct, stating they have assessed the bike as a write-off, containing an insulting offer of settlement and requesting that I send them my V5, MoT etc.

Important note here – I still haven't raised a claim!

So, I duly wrote them a letter expressing my concerns and the fact that, I had a luggage system that was not insured and I would like to view the bike myself BEFORE raising a claim.

This was totally ignored by Hastings Direct, who responded by saying that if I did not respond within 21 days they would consider the matter closed.

Then, Hastings Direct took it upon themselves to make my decisions for me. By selling my bike!

So I wrote a letter of complaint to Hastings Direct about my treatment thus far and I also informed them that all correspondence would be via the Royal Mail, that way I would have to pay their grossly inflated 0845 call charges (and I had a note of all correspondence from them).

I then received a letter from Hastings Direct stating that ... "In some cases apologies no matter how sincere are not enough and the only meaningful gift they have to offer me is financial"

Then they follow that up with yet another derisory offer.

At this point sheer desperation leads me to write a lengthy email to them and at the same time bring a solicitor in to aid me. She also expressed her outrage at they way Hastings Direct have treated me and my case so far.

Hastings Direct in coming to form a meaningful financial offer, send me photographs of the bike, after it had been stood out in a yard for at least two months, and then the third party had attempted to reduce it to iron filings and ask me to justify the damage and condition?!

Oh, and of course Hastings Direct made no mention of the luggage system that they had taken and sold without consent.

I then discover from my solicitor, that the 'meaningful gift' is actually the market value of the bike (which I believed was the risk I had paid them to take in the first place, via the policy) minus a host of arbitrary deductions, which turned out to be little more than the original derisory offer made to me, after the bike was illegally sold.

Also Hastings Direct asked me to justify the stolen luggage.

Bearing in mind, I have still not lodged a claim, can you now see where my abject disgust comes from, having to deal with insurers who act with seemingly "criminal" abandon, as well as having to recover from near fatal injuries.

So after a bit of to and fro, between Hastings Direct and my solicitor, Hastings Direct finally up the Meaningful Financial Gift and offer me the market value of the bike and a little bit more for the luggage, which they quite rightly stated wasn't insured, which was why I never raised a claim in the first place, however, they deducted their excess and a few arbitrary deductions and we get back to the basic market value of the bike – Now what I can't understand here is, how can they deduct excess when I still even to this very day, have not raised a claim! – we were seeking return of the vehicle or suitable compensation, obviously Hastings Direct retain 'excess' from compensation payouts as well.

Ultimately I was advised to settle for this insult as to take it to court, would end up costing more than I would stand to gain by winning the case.

So even when Hastings Direct acted in my opinion illegally and would lose in court, they could still win, how bizarre!

Well, this is all behind me now, so why did I write this? Well in my email to Hastings Direct, I promised that I would write a narrative of the shameful and contemptuous way Hastings Direct have treated me and publish it as widely as possible, so here I am keeping to my word.

Oh and just as a final footnote, to add to injury and insult, Hastings Direct blatantly lied to me! I received a closing letter from one of their complaints operatives, stating that Hastings Direct and the third party both offered to have the luggage system and rack removed and returned to me.They never did and still haven't.

As I was in a severe state of disability, I was trying to work out a way to get across Scotland and remove this kit for myself, so I would have jumped at this opportunity, had it been offered.

Clearly from this you can see I will never even consider Hastings Direct again but I leave you, the reader, to come to your own conclusions. The saddest aspect of this is that in a few weeks this narrative will be all but forgotten but Hastings Direct will, most likely, still be putting profits over customer service and treating cases like this with utter contempt.

Please feel free to cut and paste this into any motoring based forums or chat rooms, to give people a little bit of information, so they can make a more informed choice before renewing any insurance."
2011 Gruodžio 15 23:00 Jeigu ji turi du papus arba du ratus-lauk bėdos.
125cc **

visus su sventem (h)
2011 Gruodžio 24 02:11
250cc **

linksmu svenciu !!! ir geru 2012 !!! :)
2011 Gruodžio 24 10:26
250cc **

Cituoju: SaldusR1
5500 km ant motociklo .... ar siulyciau kam nors tai ? Na nebent tikrai ligonis kaip as :D , bet tokiam matyt ir siulyti nereikia, i Kroatija nuvazivau su viena nakvyne, per 2 dienas tai dienai gavosi apie 1200km, aishku nuovargis jautesi, bet isvaziavau su lietum ir atvaziavu i +32, tai nuotaika supper !!!

Savotiškai graži ta Kroatija, ypač patiko tas parking'as mocam senamestyje :D reikėtu ir Lietuvoje kad tokius iregtu (y) imesk dar foto, labai įdomu.

P.S. Su Šv. Kalėdom ir naujukais visus (d) :Z
2011 Gruodžio 24 13:17
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Su artejanciais visus! (d) poto (b)
2011 Gruodžio 24 16:35 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
250cc **

sveiki parduodamas suzuki gsxr1000 k2 tikrai neblogas mocas 07894329500
2012 Sausio 3 08:40
50cc *

sweiki ash pries keles dienas ishsilaikiau teises ir nusipirkau moto. butu idomu susipazint su lietuviais kurie waldo plieninius zirgus..
2012 Sausio 5 23:23
50cc *

beje ash ish east sussex. gal kaimynu yra ?
2012 Sausio 5 23:28
250cc **

mes daznai penktadieniais renkames ace cafe mano tel virsui jai busi kur netoli pasuk prasuksim koki rateli :)
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Sausio 6 00:01
25cc *
Prie sito restorano, arba aiksteleje po tiltu, penktadieniais nuo 7-8pm. Vasara susirenkam vis 20 mocu, ziema maziau..

Cituoju: Domas13
sweiki ash pries keles dienas ishsilaikiau teises ir nusipirkau moto. butu idomu susipazint su lietuviais kurie waldo plieninius zirgus..
2012 Sausio 7 12:53
50cc *

buwau sestadieni prie juoda balta po tiltu ten nulekes nieko nebuwo tik swieziu padangu zymes palikusios,.. ten damusinejat jas ar tik prikaitinat jas kad geriau prie kelio liptu ?
:D D
2012 Sausio 9 20:52
400cc ***

Cituoju: Ramiai
Gerai cia tu prasukai :) Koks kruiserinis greitis? jeigu tai galima pavadinti "kruiseriniu" :)

Bandziau kelis variantus nes i prieki vaziavau apie 150-160km/h aishku suletindamas kur stiprus apribojimai , o tgal nusprendizau kad maloniau ir maziau varginantis greitis 130-140 tai mazdaug ir laikausi . buvo ir per 220 tik tases baisu pamest :D ;)
2012 Sausio 17 01:12 kodas 675 !!!
400cc ***

Jo, smagu palakstyti :) Ypac nakti, kad miegas neimtu pasuki renkenele ir vel kaip katik pabudes is po baisaus sapno :-]
2012 Sausio 18 21:03
900cc *****

pries keleta metu M5 teko sutinti nakti tai kai uzspyre miegiukas vos vos triju juostu uztekdavo nuo kavos aparato iki kito kavos aparato.... nei dainos nei greitis nepramusdavo,nebent kevkes pagert ir kavke nupilt ;)
2012 Sausio 18 23:18
400cc ***

Cituoju: geRIMUKAS
pries keleta metu M5 teko sutinti nakti tai kai uzspyre miegiukas vos vos triju juostu uztekdavo nuo kavos aparato iki kito kavos aparato.... nei dainos nei greitis nepramusdavo,nebent kevkes pagert ir kavke nupilt ;)

Kava , redbulis ir snickers , geras mixas ir sotus ir akys kaip pupos :D
2012 Sausio 18 23:38 kodas 675 !!!
400cc ***

Sveiki seniai!
Senokai jau buvau cia uszukes.
Ziuriu i kalendoriu ir matau kad nusimato labai ilgas savaitgalis birzelio pradzioj. 2,3 +4,5dd. (bank holidays). Gal norim nuvaziot kur nors pvz i shkotija su palapinem? =]
2012 Sausio 31 18:30
250cc **

sveiki kolegos. norejau pasidometi ir paklausti gal galite man pasiulyti anglijos puslapiu kur galuma rast moto ar automobiliu is protingas kainas?? dekui uz informacija. p.s. Airijos motomanai daro sezono atidaryma geguzes 5 isamiau airijos motomanu forume arba facebooke ;)
2012 Balandžio 12 14:46
125cc **

2012 Balandžio 13 10:23
400cc ***
#1699 Post Code: B3 3BD
2012 Balandžio 14 03:26
400cc ***
paskambini pardavejui ir pasiulai savo kaina "pa pigiaja", kartais toks bajeris praslysta :)
2012 Balandžio 17 11:20 Ne tavo kiškis, ne tu ir kiškis!!!
400cc ***
#1701   +1  

geguzes 5d. varau i airijos lietuviu-motomanu sezono atidarymo svente.
gal yra norinciu prisijungt? (b)
2012 Balandžio 23 13:56
125cc **

Cituoju: MADzero
geguzes 5d. varau i airijos lietuviu-motomanu sezono atidarymo svente.
gal yra norinciu prisijungt? (b)

sveikas su motcu leksi ? kaip kelione namo is Londono ?
2012 Balandžio 23 20:04
400cc ***

Cituoju: Oliveris
Cituoju: MADzero
geguzes 5d. varau i airijos lietuviu-motomanu sezono atidarymo svente.
gal yra norinciu prisijungt? (b)

sveikas su motcu leksi ? kaip kelione namo is Londono ?

telefonas issikrove o pakrovejas suluzo tai teko truputi paklaidziot kol radau platesni kelia ir zinoma susalau truputi. bet savaitgalis geras buvo, turinigas, atgaiva po ziemos ir mosklu.
taip su mocu juk tame ir esme :-)
2012 Balandžio 23 23:43
125cc **
#1704   +1  

Sveiki visi, Balandzio 21 Lietuos Sodyboje ivyko Anglijos Lietuviu baikeriu sezono atydarymas , buvo malonu matyti tuos kurie nepabugo lietaus ir atvyko. Buvo saudymo rungtys is lanko ,pneumatinio sautuvo,visi norintys galejo pabandyti savo jegas ,stipriausi buvo apdovanoti (d) . Kas liko su nakvine kepe saslus gere alu, kas gal ka ir stipresnio. Asmeniskai as su draugais isikurem kempingo aiksteleje,pasistatem pavesine nuo lietaus, palapine , uzkureme lauza,ir pradejom savo Absoliuto vakara,gitara netilo dainavom kas ka mokejom,jau temstant Kikis privaziavo :D poto potruputi kas lyko gyvi ir norejo padainuoti prisijunge prie musu , lauzas dege iki ryto. ryte salyku valgymas vel pakuotis ir namo na tai buvo apie 4.Siaip buvo smagu.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 26 21:34
125cc **

Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 26 21:35
125cc **

Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 26 21:36
125cc **

Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 26 21:38
125cc **

Na ir as nepasikuklinau :)
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 26 21:40
125cc **

Cituoju: billas
Sveiki visi, Balandzio 21 Lietuos Sodyboje ivyko Anglijos Lietuviu baikeriu sezono atydarymas , buvo malonu matyti tuos kurie nepabugo lietaus ir atvyko. Buvo saudymo rungtys is lanko ,pneumatinio sautuvo,visi norintys galejo pabandyti savo jegas ,stipriausi buvo apdovanoti (d) . Kas liko su nakvine kepe saslus gere alu, kas gal ka ir stipresnio. Asmeniskai as su draugais isikurem kempingo aiksteleje,pasistatem pavesine nuo lietaus, palapine , uzkureme lauza,ir pradejom savo Absoliuto vakara,gitara netilo dainavom kas ka mokejom,jau temstant Kikis privaziavo :D poto potruputi kas lyko gyvi ir norejo padainuoti prisijunge prie musu , lauzas dege iki ryto. ryte salyku valgymas vel pakuotis ir namo na tai buvo apie 4.Siaip buvo smagu.

sveikas bilai , tavo tiesa oras truputi gal atbaide kaikuriuos , bet kas susirinko tikrai manau smarkiai neliudejo , ypac po gausiu gerimu , dekui uz fotkes , gal dar kokiu turi ?
2012 Balandžio 29 23:22
250cc **

Geguzes 19 arba 26 diena lekiam i Lands End'a.
Kuri diena labiau tinka ir ar yra norinciu prisijungti.
Planas toks:
Sestadieni anksti ryte pajudame is rytu londono,kas ne is rytu prisijungs sutartu laiku sutartoje vietoje.Per diena nuvaziuojame keliukais i Lands End Cornwall'o apacia o sekmadieni griztame Cornwall'o virsumi.Nakvyne palapinese,jei oras leis pasimaudysime juroje,vakare kepsime sojos desreles,gersime coca cola ir pasakosime keliones nuotykius.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2012 Balandžio 30 20:59 redagavo linux 2012 balandžio 30 21:04
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