Motomanų Diskusijos » Likimo broliai užsienyje » Motomanai Anglijoje » Ride to The Wall

| 2008-10-07 kikis | 33/15252 žinut.
Puslapiai: 12

Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Ride to The Wall

Gal yra norinciu sudalyvauti si sestadieni Spalio 11d. Baikeriu parade, pamineti Pirmojo ir Antrojo pasaulinio karo aukų atminimo diena. Kuri vyks netoli Burton on Trent. Daugiau info
Renkames apie 8 val ryto MOTO Services M42 J10/A5 Junction. Manau labai grazus gestas pamineti zuvusius pirmame ir antrame pasauliniame kare. As dalyvausiu kad ir koks oras bebutu ;)
2008 Spalio 7 18:27 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
900cc *****

blyn reikia prasivaziuot....
2008 Spalio 7 20:24
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Jei yra norinciu ;) As susitinku su alkoholiku apie 7-30 ryte M6 pravaziavus J3 pirmoje koloneleje ;)
2008 Spalio 10 21:06 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
400cc ***

Cituoju: kikis
Jei yra norinciu ;) As susitinku su alkoholiku apie 7-30 ryte M6 pravaziavus J3 pirmoje koloneleje ;)

tai kaip paradas? kaip ispudziai? (=
2008 Spalio 14 00:10
900cc *****

gerizzzz.ideciau viena kita fotke penktadieni toki svolaciu prie dezes prileidau ...patvarkyti tipo...tai klipata informatikas tipo ir pritvarke....kad ji kur griausmas.....sutiksiu sakiau su sulankstytu dusles bakaliu tol plieksiu per durne kol glusas liks.....lituoklis nelaimingas....RRRRRRRRRRR :A :A :A
2008 Spalio 14 00:28
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Cia yra truputis nuotrauku
Spausti kairej pusej virsui ;)
2008 Spalio 14 23:55 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
900cc *****

vakar sulaukiau zenkliuko ;) jau beveik buvau netekes vilties....
2008 Lapkričio 11 19:55
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Ir as ir as gavau ;)
2008 Lapkričio 12 20:46 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Moto mama
1000cc ******

koks nors poparacis imeskite bent zenkliuko fotke :V
2008 Lapkričio 12 21:50 va-va-vum :G
600cc ****

as ir galvojau kad jau neatsius, bet gavau, tik prie savo odines aprangos tai neprisiuvinesiu :|
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:14
900cc *****

na aisku gerokai paveluotai bet idesiu keleta foto renginuko i kuri tikra buvo verta atsimalti ir pravaziuoti labai didelej kolonoj,pagerbti zuvusius kare,prie to paties pasimatyti su keliais motomanai,prasukti viena kita simteli graziu myliu.

cia tik atvaziavus.radome apie 200 bet nuotaika juntamai kyla kai jie vis atvaziuoja ir atvaziuoja.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:17
900cc *****

pradejo rinktis "tikri vyrai" blyn tada rytas buvo tikrai ne is siltuju.o jie susirinko taip kaip stovi.vaizdelis tikrai grazus.diedas apzerges didziuli harli ir siljonas ant akiu lipa .....smagurelis...
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:21
900cc *****

o baikai vaziavo ir kiek cia ju matosi tai tik kokis desimtadalis visu kiek buvo jausmelis geras buvo kai prabego mergaite su plakatu kad liko 5 minutes iki isvaziavimo.tai visi pradejo zirgelius kurti.garselis nenupasakojamas.drebejo oras zeme ..drebejo viskas nes 95 procentai harliu.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:24
900cc *****

cia prie memorialo.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:25
900cc *****

o cia tas zenkliukas.
Kokybiškas nuotraukas mato prisijungę nariai.
2008 Lapkričio 12 22:26
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Kitais metais 2009 uzkabinsim, poto 2010 ir t.t. :) Ka darysim kai iki zemes barskaliukai nusities ;) tada gal jau suauges busiu ir kokias 125 vasaras nugyvenes (z)
2008 Lapkričio 12 23:14 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Naujas RTTW puslapis
Susitiksim 10-10-2009 (h)
2009 Kovo 2 23:13 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
900cc *****

30 sekundej islenda litrinis fazeris.paskui islendu su lygiai tokiu paciu as o vidineje puseje melynas baikas,paskui mus du harliukai vienas is ju kikis ir is paskos ju quakeris su bata raudona R6 ir latviukas su raudonu banditu vienas salia kito.

[Redaguota 2009-3-2 alkoholikas]

[Redaguota 2009-3-3 alkoholikas]
2009 Kovo 2 23:50
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Na ir atkapstei tu ;) kiek kartu pries tai ziurejau, taip musu ir nemaciau :) Einu akis pasitikrinti ;)
2009 Kovo 3 18:22 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
600cc ****

o cia tai geras , jau manaiu kad nepateksim mes i kadra (y)
2009 Kovo 3 18:25
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Uzsiregistravau Spalio 10d £7,50
Visi pinigai eina labdarai, paremti memoriuma. Zada virs 5000 baiku!! Gal bus daugiau norinciu?
2009 Gegužės 26 23:10 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Gal kas nors kita sestadieni, Spalio 10d vaziuoja pagerbt zuvusiu?
2009 Rugsėjo 28 18:23 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
250cc **

Gal jei nedirbciau tai prisijungciau o tai kur jus susitinkat
2009 Rugsėjo 29 08:29
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Isriedame is Drayton Manor, Tamworth B78 3TW. Salia kur M42 su M6 susikerta. Isvykstam apie 10.30-11.00 ir kolona traukiam link Arboretum memorialo. Galima is vakaro atvykti i Drayton Manor, pasistatyti palapine (£10) Ir ryte issimiegojus startuoti ;)
Kolkas vaziuoju vienas, gal Rimwis prisijungs. Galetume susitikti kazkur pakeliui ir vaziuoti kartu link Drayton Manor.
Norintys duokit apie save zinot ;)
2009 Rugsėjo 29 23:43 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

(Latest - Ride to the Wall 2009 / Updates)

Arriving at Drayton Manor

Looking at the forum and proposed group rides I am a bit concerned that there may be a large proportion of riders planning to arrive 10:00 to 10:30. Can we ask that you try and arrive earlier as we do not want riders still trying to get in as the ride starts to depart.

Parking at the Arboretum

If you cannot stay for the service please do not park in the Arboretum. There are other designated parking areas outside. Many attendees have commented that during the service last year bikes were leaving from within the Arboretum grounds which they considered disrespectful.

No engines are to be started during the service (13:30 - 14:00)

Sidestands - In case of inclement weather you are asked to bring a Sidestand support ('Parking Puck') as these will not be available on the day. At the time of my last visit (29/9/09) the ground at the Arboretum is very firm but should the weather change prior to the event this may no longer be the case.


The Arboretum is a 'No Smoking ' Area. Please respect their rules.

T Shirts

These were being posted Monday 28/9/09 for those who pre ordered.

On the Ride

Please , Ride with Respect – Not to impress . Please keep to a 40mph limit and do not overtake . The ride will be broken up into sections but the route is fully marshalled so you cannot get lost . Splitting up the ride helps with parking at the Arboretum as it should help prevent jams and waiting there.

If you want to ride with your friends , please arrive with them or arrange to meet up before entering Drayton Manor

Post Event function

There will be an organised Post Event function that everyone is welcome to attend . This will take place at Silverstone Harley Davidson . An organised ride will leave from the Fradley Arms at 15:30. Details / Maps / Directions will be added to the website when update 2 is added . The Fradley Arms is on the A38 South only a short distance from the Arboretum.


Should you wish to lay a wreath at the wall of the Arboretum you'll need to contact : Lyn at the Arboretum to discuss and place the order .She can be contacted on Telephone 01283 792333.

The cost will be £20 however she is happy to collect the money on the day. If you are a H-D HOG Chapter your Director should have been made aware that we have permission from HOG to use the HOG logo. Please remember she will need plenty of notice if you want a wreath with your chapter logo on, so don't delay.

By Car

If you know of anyone travelling to the Arboretum by car it is suggested that you arrive before 11:00 as parking will be at a premium.

Committee and Helpers - Hi Vis

Following last year’s yellow Hi Vis jackets logo 'd jackets not being distinctive (a lot of other people had yellow hi vis on also ) we are pleased to announce that this year’s ones are blue with silver lettering to be more distinctive. If you have any questions on the day find someone wearing one of these . If they don't know the answer they should know someone who does !. I'll add photos of these to the website later

The Wall

A half hour before and during the service access to the wall itself is restricted. Please assemble for the service at the foot of the wall mound.

Ride Safe
2009 Spalio 1 12:00 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
400cc ***

o idomu. as pabandisiu prisijungt =)
2009 Spalio 1 21:40
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Siais metais vaziuosim sestadieni, Spalio 2-aja 2010.
Jau uzsiregistravau. Gal bus norinciu sudalyvauti?
2010 Birželio 18 21:56 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

If you came last year you may find that there are a few changes this year. The camping area is in a different place(Details on camping for the 2 nights are on the website) and we are giving priority parking to you , the people who have pre registered, hence the green sticker we sent you.

Put the green sticker on your headlight BEFORE YOU GET TO THE START AT DRAYTON MANOR.

The parking team will place any non-stickered bikes into a different parking zone to the stickered ones and they will not be able to re integrate into the group.

If you wish to ride alongside your friends, please arrive with them and make sure they have a green sticker too, because it will not be possible to change position in the line-up once at the assembly point.

As we cannot guarantee good weather (we have been very lucky the last two years) please remember to bring a ‘puck’ or something to put under your side-stand when you park

Please also follow the marshals instructions during the event; we aren’t paying them & they’re all willing volunteers who want to enjoy themselves, too. There is a 5 MPH speed limit at Drayton Manor and the National Memorial Arboretum and we ask that you observe this.

We will start receiving participants 07.00hrs on Saturday 2nd October. Refreshments and toilet facilities will be available.

Ensure you arrive IN PLENTY of TIME. Please plan to arrive no later than 10.30hrs or you will actually cause issues both in Fazeley and Drayton Manor Park because the exit and entry are on the same road.

Unfortunately you may have to wait around for long periods of time at Drayton Manor and the NMA. There is nothing we can do about this due to the number of bikes taking part, so please be patient and savour the atmosphere.



Camping from 18:00hrs

There will be food and beverages available to purchase in a dedicated area near the campsite


Food available from 07:00hrs. For those not already registered the team will also be available . It will be £10 on the day , same as last year.

Merchandise will also be available in the morning

Ride begins to depart at 11:00hrs.

Order of Events at the NMA to follow

Evening function at Drayton Manor marquee from 19:00hrs

Food and a bar will be available at this time also

Thanks again for participating in RTTW

The RTTW Team
2010 Rugsėjo 16 14:22 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Dear Participant.

This is the second of 3 updates I promised to send. Things are moving on a pace so I encourage you to check out the website as well for those last minute notices.

The whole front page is devoted to RTTW for 2010.


We will stop accepting Postal requests after 25/9 (so post by 22/9) and online registrations on 26/9. Registrations & Merchandise received by 26/9 will be posted to arrive before 2/10 (Subject of course to Post Office delivery). If ordered after this date then it will not be posted until after RTTW. Full Registration and Merchandise will be available at Drayton Manor on the day.

Green Sticker

Because you registered to ride you should have received a green sticker for priority parking. It seems however that some people have mislaid theirs. If you do not have it then please contact Brian Andrews Merchandise/Distribution Manager (Under 'Contact Us' on the website) or alternatively myself . Remember to put the green sticker on your headlight BEFORE YOU GET TO THE START AT DRAYTON MANOR.

Speed Limits

Drayton Manor is 5 MPH. The ride will be 40 MPH and the NMA is 5 MPH. Please observe these.

Please , Ride with Respect, not to impress.

Drayton Manor

We will start receiving participants from 07.00 hrs on Saturday 2nd October. Refreshments and toilet facilities will be available (Full information will be on the website). Ensure you arrive IN PLENTY of TIME. Please plan to arrive no later than 10.00 hrs or you will actually cause issues both in Fazeley and Drayton Manor Park , because the exit and entry are on the same road.


We are now able to park around the Wall at the National Memorial Arboretum as well as other areas on the site. If you wish to leave early ask the Marshalls at the NMA to direct you to the Haulage Yard (It is down the road from the NMA) so you do not disturb others.

Cars / 4 wheeled vehicles

There will be a Park & Ride to the NMA. No cars other than authorised vehicles will be allowed on site. The Park & Ride is free and is situated at Catton Hall. There will be signs showing you where to go, toilet facilities will be available there also. If you can use the A513 from Tamworth you'll not get caught up in the ride itself as that comes from the A38 onto the A513.


We are just completing this and I hope to have it finalised for the 3rd Update. It will be on the website also.

The RTTW Team
2010 Rugsėjo 20 22:40 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Pėsčiasis narys
500cc ***

Blin, praziopsojau :A Kazkotai atrode, kad vaziavimas bus spalio pabaigoj...
2010 Spalio 2 19:01 "Turbato melius capiuntur flumine pisces"
Puslapiai: 12

