Motomanų Diskusijos » Motociklai pagal gamintoją, palyginimai » Yamaha motociklai » Yamaha YZF-R6 2006-2007m.

| 2009-09-24 Blondens | 81/275858 žinut.
Puslapiai: 123

250cc **

Neisivaizduoju vaziavimo su apsukom iki 4k. Turbut max greitis butu 70km/h 6 saiba, o pirma ir antra saiba nespetum permetinet... kazkaip nelogiskai man tas ribotuvas. Nebent sakyciau ant greicio butu ribotuvas iki kokiu 100Km/h tai bent pirmom 3 saibom galetum pavazinet...
2009 Spalio 4 17:03
1200cc ******

Cituoju: Blondens
Mugen esu nusprendes ir susizinojes kad tu plastmasiu nereiktu pirkt :)
Klaipedoje yamahos centre deda ribotuva iki 4k apsuku pasuka ir daugiau nesuka tai desuos toki iki kol pramoksiu normaliai valdyt ir siaip esu jau vairaves ne karta moca :) nors aisku patirties dar mazai.

Jau nesakau kiek tau kainos tas ribotuvas... Jei jau apsisprendei tai dar nepamirsk ir apranga arba bent vaistinele
2009 Spalio 4 21:35 It comes after years going both ways
1200cc ******

Cituoju: quacker
jei jau R6 dedsi ribotuva iki 4 stukiu tai gal geriau tujos nepirk, o tai motoroleriai greiciau vaziuos (+) o plasmases sitam moto nebrangios, pats puse atsarginiu plasmasiu turiu komplekta :D

Kinetisku ar OEM?
2009 Spalio 4 21:37 It comes after years going both ways
1200cc ******

Dar siek tiek informacijos:
New Riders: R Bikes as a first bike, Dont post a new thread!
If you want to ask about an "r" bike as a first bike PLEASE do not post ANOTHER new thread about it, just read this, and ask a question, myself or someone else will be glad to answer your questions.

I've been seeing a lot of posts in this forum lately asking about success stories for "R" bikes, and "Im new but I got a gsx-r 1000, is this okay?"... "Is it okay to buy a gsx-r 600 as a first bike"

No. Plain and simple. The stickies in this forum offer you a wealth of information on why this is a bad choice. If you don't feel like reading them, lets break it down for you.

1.) Speed: I'm starting with this one because it's the most popular. Even a gsx-r 600 will out-accelerate, out-turn, and out-brake all but the most heavily modified sports cars (we aren't talking civic here, we're talking like modified corvette, or a modified viper, or maybe a 700hp streetcar). I hear many people saying they may get bored on these bikes. You won't get bored, ever. And it is very difficult to master these bikes by learning on them, they are just too much bike.

2.) Brakes: The brakes on any R bike are race-type brakes. They are made for setting up into corners while travelling very fast. This means, on the street, when you grab even a little bit of brake (as a new rider you make mistakes) you will lock up the wheels. Hope you enjoyed the ride, because it's over.

3.) Throttle: I hear people saying if they are responsible and control the throttle, they will be okay. They will only turn it a quarter turn... Hate to tell you, but a quarter turn is almost if not all the way full-throttle. We are talking 1/16ths of a turn or less for regular acceleration. You have to literally turn this thing by quarter centimeters if you dont want to accelerate hard.

4.) Cost: Insurance, initial investment, and repairs. SVS Posted something about one right-side lower fairing being ~450$. This means you can spend upwards of 1500$ for a low-speed crash. Imagine what happens when you highside and need to replace fairings, clutch/brake lever, bar-ends, etc etc.

5.) Responsiveness: The clip-ons ("handlebars") have a very very limited range of motion compared to what you are used to (if you ride dirt, atv, bicycle, etc). They travel a VERY short arc. This, in turn, means that R-type bikes respond to millimeters in inputs. They are designed to do EXACTLY what they are told, and if you are telling it to do something wrong, it will do it, and it can kill you. These bikes are made to be very nimble with a small input to the clip-ons.

6.) Learning: It is so much easier to learn on a slower bike. You can learn position, throttle control, clutch control, shifting techniques, emergency control situations, collision avoidance, and turn control. On an R bike, you will be watching the throttle, the brakes, and the input you are giving to the bike. You won't be able to leave that as second nature and learn how to whip that bike around.

In conclusion, it doesn't matter if you have ridden dirt for 10 years (I rode dirt for 8 years before I got my first bike; and it is TOTALLY different) or have driven the lingelfelter corvette to taiwan and back. You don't have enough experience for sport bike riding. They are just too powerful. You are not going to be able to deal with it, and you will be a worse rider than you could have been. Everyone thinks they are the exception, you aren't.. Believe me.. If anyone is the exception, they are already professional racers.

I hope I can sway some of you, I know you will do what you want in the end, but know that you are making a big mistake, one that may cost you your life.
2009 Spalio 4 21:56 It comes after years going both ways
1200cc ******

After a rash of posts about what bike to get as a first bike, and a lot of posts defending the reasoning behind "only a 600" or "having respect", or "too big to ride a small bike"....

Why not a GSXR/R6/ZXR/CBR/996 etc?

Well, I am not sure that the fact that these are "only 600's" means a great deal, they are seen as "slow" by newer riders, and therefore easier to master than the 1000cc versions. Many people have said that they feel a 750 would be fine.

I guess that your idea of slow, is a fair bit different to mine. My idea of slow is something that accelerates like, say, a Geo Metro, not something that accelerates faster than a Dodge Viper.

Lets face it, the modern 600 is faster than a 750 of six or seven years ago, in a straight line, up to about 130mph.......

Six years ago the 750 class was in the middle of open warefare season, the (then new) SRAD 750 was the king of the beasts, trouncing the CBR900RR, and the FZR1000 or Chunderace) and destroying everything else in its path. Not just in a straight line either, but the 96 SRAD was a marvellous corner carver.

In its day, it was brutal - it still is, wild head shakes, inadvertant wheelies, and an utterly brutal rush beyond 10K RPM.

The latest 600's whilst just as fast, are only slightly more civilised, the power is not as brutal, but there is still a huge rush, and on the dyno they are only a couple of HP short of the benchmark.

So the power of the latest 600's is amazing, there is frankly more than 99% of people can use, and more than anyone can need on the street - on the track its a different matter, but we are talking street bikes here.....

Its not just the power either, its the power delivery.

These bikes are race-bikes with lights, or at least they are very, very similar to race bikes. In order to be competative in racing, where modifications are minimal, the engines are tuned to be very "racer friendly". The throttle response beyond a few thousand revs is instant, this is great if you are on a track, but merely OK on the road. If you are heavy-handed, it can be very dangerous. The MSF course teaches you to roll on the throttle in a curve, to a newr rider, rolling on is just that, add 1/4 turn maybe ? Well with a modern sports bike 1/4 turn is FULL throttle. Rolling on on these bikes means may 1/32nd of a turn - if that.

This is not a nice trait - you have just gone from 20hp to 80hp in the blink of an eye, and you lowsided - if you are lucky- into the scenery.

So, handling is the next problem.

These bikes are race bikes with lights, this means that they are super-fast handling. In fact they are astonishingly nervous, in order to make they turn fast, they are set-up to respond to minute inputs, and this is another major issue for a new rider. A new rider will not have the subltly of input that the bike needs, rather than push the bars, you apply a slight pressure, and the bike sails into the bends, push on the bars hard, and it becomes all nervous and unsettled, and again, the new rider may be lucky to get through the bend.

Obviously this will not be a good thing - to an experienced rider these bikes feel planted, and predictable, for a new rider, they feel horrible, and your confidence takes a hit.

Ok - Brakes

Again, these bikes are similar to race bikes. One of the few places that they differ is in the braking department. The brake pads have to last a little longer than race compound ones, so they are a little less brutal than those on a racer, also they have rubber hoses, which have a little "give" in them, making it harder to lock the fronts.

But, they are still eye-poppingly good, its possible to stand any of these bikes on its nose, at really, really high speeds, assumning you are hard enough on the brakes.

Then there is the rear brake, and again this is overly efficient, all too easy to lock it, all to easy to high-side as a result of the locked brake.

Repair costs.

As they are race replica's they comer covered in expensive plastic. Each side is $600 or more. A slow-speed drop could easily cost you over $1000 just in plastic bits. Add to that the normal "consumables" and you are in the $1300 range for a 10mph spill.

Combine all of these factors, and I hope that you see why a sportsbike is not a good first bike.

It has exactly the wrong set of characteristics for a new rider to learn to ride. Its too fast, too responsive, too twitchy, too nervous, the brakes are too sharp and they cost a lot to fix.

I'm not going to tell you that you should not get one (I'm not your mother), just that you need to bear in mind that these bikes belong in the "expert class", not the "new rider" one.
2009 Spalio 4 21:58 It comes after years going both ways
400cc ***

To Mugen :D
Ribotuvas 140lt :) kada nori tada isema :) Apie apranga tai cia net nera kalbos kad pirksiu. Nezinau kaip ten su tom apsukom bet sake nustato iki 4k apsuku ir viskas tai cia yra tam kad pramoktum be to kas cia sake kad motoroleri pirkt tai jau 3-4 metus pravazinejes su juom. Aciu uz patarima
2009 Spalio 5 12:29 Naujokėlis... ;)
400cc ***

Cituoju: quacker
o plasmases sitam moto nebrangios, pats puse atsarginiu plasmasiu turiu komplekta :D

quacker cia Mugen kiek supratau buvo sarkazmo zinute kad nemokantis vazuot ant tokio moto sesiu ir reiks daug plastmasiu (z)
2009 Spalio 5 12:31 Naujokėlis... ;)
1200cc ******

Jokio sarkazmo. Dar slaideriu padorios firmos uzdek gal kiek pagelbes.
2009 Spalio 5 15:16 It comes after years going both ways
400cc ***

Sorry tada jei ne taip supratau del to sarkazmo (jow)
2009 Spalio 5 21:45 Naujokėlis... ;)
500cc ***

Cituoju: Blondens
Mugen esu nusprendes ir susizinojes kad tu plastmasiu nereiktu pirkt :)
Klaipedoje yamahos centre deda ribotuva iki 4k apsuku pasuka ir daugiau nesuka tai desuos toki iki kol pramoksiu normaliai valdyt ...

Tai gal tu ir uogiene per stiklaini laizai? :-] Cia isityciojimas is motociklo. jau x100 efektyviau nusipirkt lengvesni ir silpnesni moto. nebent tave ne pac vaziavimas domina,o nori but manekenas ant apynaujo R6 ?
2009 Spalio 27 15:32
400cc ***

(-) kokios nesamones :-(

geda net skaityti.

as manau tai kad GALVOJ ribotuvas turi stoveti visu pirma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

manau pradeti galima ir nuo 600 ir nuo litro aisku jai tau ne 16 metu

aisku jai kudas kaip smilga ir sveria 40kg tai gal tada geraiu nereiketu :D

o jai motociklas suka konkreciai tai nereiskia kad tiek reikia ir lekti kaip beprociuj

mono pazytami sedo iskart ant litru ir vazineja be problemu, cia visu pirma su savo galva gerai susitarti del visko reikia (+)

ir isvis nesuprantu tokiu kur nusiperka britvas ir is miesto neisvaziuoja isvis (n)

taip ir isitasko tokie lakunai (n) asai bl... :E

po miesta o dar lietuvoj tai isvis geriausias transportas motoroleris o britvos sukurtos vaziuoti greitai :A

nu bet suprantu ir jaunimo uzsidegima ir nora tureti grazu daikciuka :)
2009 Spalio 27 19:40
Pėsčiasis narys
250cc **

Cituoju: Navarotas
(-) kokios nesamones :-(
geda net skaityti.
as manau tai kad GALVOJ ribotuvas turi stoveti visu pirma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
manau pradeti galima ir nuo 600 ir nuo litro aisku jai tau ne 16 metu
aisku jai kudas kaip smilga ir sveria 40kg tai gal tada geraiu nereiketu :D
o jai motociklas suka konkreciai tai nereiskia kad tiek reikia ir lekti kaip beprociuj
mono pazytami sedo iskart ant litru ir vazineja be problemu, cia visu pirma su savo galva gerai susitarti del visko reikia (+)
ir isvis nesuprantu tokiu kur nusiperka britvas ir is miesto neisvaziuoja isvis (n)
taip ir isitasko tokie lakunai (n) asai bl... :E
po miesta o dar lietuvoj tai isvis geriausias transportas motoroleris o britvos sukurtos vaziuoti greitai :A
nu bet suprantu ir jaunimo uzsidegima ir nora tureti grazu daikciuka :)

manau teisingos mintis cia... :)
sako "galvoj ribotuvas turi stovet.." :-] (y)

[Redaguota 2009-10-27 Soul Trail]
2009 Spalio 27 20:02
50cc *

Apie sava sali sneka :D :
Po miesta , o dar lietuvoj.. (v)
2009 Spalio 27 20:33
125cc **

labai teisingai, jai galvoi nera ribotuvo isvis nereikia motociklo pirkt. o i r6 ar i kita koki deti ribotuva.. maziau nei sarmata.. (s)
2009 Spalio 28 11:22
125cc **

as pats vazinejau su r6 bet pas mane buvo 2004,na tada dar nebuvo naujojo modelio. dabar vel atejo laikas kai be britvos matau sunkiai isgyvensiu. mastau ka pirkti.. ir apmastymai tik atrp dvieju motociklu ar r6 06-09 ar gsxr k8, k9. gal jus kazka pakomentuosit? matau cia neblogai susivokiat apie viska :)
2009 Spalio 28 11:33
1200cc ******

Cituoju: Urvas
as pats vazinejau su r6 bet pas mane buvo 2004,na tada dar nebuvo naujojo modelio. dabar vel atejo laikas kai be britvos matau sunkiai isgyvensiu. mastau ka pirkti.. ir apmastymai tik atrp dvieju motociklu ar r6 06-09 ar gsxr k8, k9. gal jus kazka pakomentuosit? matau cia neblogai susivokiat apie viska :)

R6 buvo 06-07 ir 08-09 siek tiek skyriasi.
Suzuki 2008-2012 600/750 lieka nepakeistas.
Jei uzsuki i zieda manau geriau uz r6 sunku ka kita patarti
Jei mieste daznai sukiesi manau 750 geriausiai butu
2009 Spalio 28 12:44 It comes after years going both ways
125cc **

mhm mhm.. na bus matyti :) per ziema kazka sugalvosim :)
2009 Spalio 28 13:24
400cc ***

kokie visi pikti :D As apie ribotuva snekejau ne del to kad pas mane galvoje nera ribotuvo :D Pas mane jis manau kaskoks tai yra bet ta prasme esu zalias ir nelabai vairuoju :) aisku viskas ismokstama bet kad pirkt koki 125 ar koki kita birbala po to pardavinet ir ieskot 600 tai durnas mastymas :) nors aisku galima ir be ribotuvo ismokt bet jei kelia prieki tai gali ir prisidirbt biski :) ACIU UZ SUPRATIMA (jow)
2009 Spalio 31 14:51 Naujokėlis... ;)
50cc *

2006 R6 geras, smagus mocas. 2 sezonus atvazinejau - problemu jokiu :S
o ribotuvas iki 4 stukiu - nesamoniu nesamone (ff)
2009 Lapkričio 1 23:32
500cc ***

Cituoju: Blondens
kokie visi pikti :D As apie ribotuva snekejau ne del to kad pas mane galvoje nera ribotuvo :D Pas mane jis manau kaskoks tai yra bet ta prasme esu zalias ir nelabai vairuoju :) aisku viskas ismokstama bet kad pirkt koki 125 ar koki kita birbala po to pardavinet ir ieskot 600 tai durnas mastymas :) nors aisku galima ir be ribotuvo ismokt bet jei kelia prieki tai gali ir prisidirbt biski :) ACIU UZ SUPRATIMA (jow)

aha,o pirkt apynauji supersorta kai "zalias ir nalabai vairuoji" ir nudusint ji iki 4000r/m tai mastymas nedurnas :-]
2009 Lapkričio 5 16:48
400cc ***

Blondens , tu i blondine man panasus :) )) maziau cia rasinek nesamones, pirk ta savo R6 ir parasysi tada kaip tau sekasi (jow)
2009 Lapkričio 5 17:08
Pėsčiasis narys
50cc *

Turiu yamaha r6 tik 04metu kolkas problemu nera,manau vertas demesio moto.
2009 Lapkričio 5 17:27
400cc ***

Na del ribotuvo jus sakot jus zinot :D Bet jums ant sazines jei uzsimusiu :D DD Juokauju :) nesu patyres tai ir nusisneku gerai jau turiu r6 parplauks ziuresim ar eina suvaldyt man ji :) gerai kad isejo pigiai paimt tai jei nepatiks ar dar kas tai parduosiu normaliai i bata nekrisiu nors tikuosi to nereiks daryt. :H
o tie kurie tuoj pat sakys kad reikejo pirkt 125 ir t.t. esu vazinejesis su motoroleriu aisku ne tas pats bet kaskas tokio trejeta metu ir be to jau ne tas amzius kad sest ant 125cc bunant 195 cm ugio kvailokai atrodytu ir pinigu metimas lauk perki ta pasivazineji sezona du ir keiti i kita manau kad istengsiu pora sezonu nesukt rankenos ir pramokt vazuot normaliai (+)

[Redaguota 2009-11-23 Blondens]
2009 Lapkričio 23 15:55 Naujokėlis... ;)
Pėsčiasis narys
250cc **

sweiki kaip gywi? :) buna Yamaha R6 Raven... skirutmai nedideli matomi ir plika akimi isores... dar yra ten kokie skirtumai techniniai? ar tik tipo kaip koks tai tiuningas ar spec leidimas? jei kas zinot aciu uz atsakymus.
2009 Gruodžio 9 19:29
1200cc ******

Tik isdazymas nieko ipatingo
2009 Gruodžio 9 22:30 It comes after years going both ways
Pėsčiasis narys
25cc *

Nu del robotuvo tai tikrai nesamone ties 4 tukst.kad iki 8 ar 10 bent taj jauciu riboja bet ne iki 4.ten tokia pjaustykle kad ohoho ir r6 4k apsuku taj ten nk nereiskia kada 18 stovi.siaip as irgi mastau isigyti r6 ir butent r6 nes pats patraukliausias jis kas galetu paaiskinti ar geriau pirkti 2000 ir maziau modeli kur stovi korbas ar jau 2001 kur ipurskimas .kaip uprantu tai 01 modelyje jau ir kompas stovi?! ir dar apie tokio motociklo kuro sanaudas but gerai isgirsti.aciu
2010 Sausio 22 03:29
1200cc ******

Ka gali/patinka ta ir pirk. Idealaus motociklo nera
2010 Sausio 22 07:09 It comes after years going both ways
400cc ***

Cituoju: justysone
Nu del robotuvo tai tikrai nesamone ties 4 tukst.kad iki 8 ar 10 bent taj jauciu riboja bet ne iki 4.ten tokia pjaustykle kad ohoho ir r6 4k apsuku taj ten nk nereiskia kada 18 stovi.siaip as irgi mastau isigyti r6 ir butent r6 nes pats patraukliausias jis kas galetu paaiskinti ar geriau pirkti 2000 ir maziau modeli kur stovi korbas ar jau 2001 kur ipurskimas .kaip uprantu tai 01 modelyje jau ir kompas stovi?! ir dar apie tokio motociklo kuro sanaudas but gerai isgirsti.aciu

(ff) (ff) (ff) :A

ne nu kartais kai paskaitau tai nezinau ka net ir pasakyti (ff)
jai tokie klausimai tau dar kyla tai gal sulauk bent 16 metuku :-(
2010 Vasario 17 07:17
Pėsčiasis narys
250cc **

joa... klausimai vis rimtyn... :-]
2010 Vasario 17 19:11
50cc *

Sveiki pirmas mano mocas buvo Honda CBR 600 rr 2003 metu maniau tai nerealus mocas pardaves jį įsigijau suzuki GSX600 r 2007 metu tas aplamai nerealus buvo lyginant su honda ,tačiau kai pravažiavau su Yamaha r6 2007 daugiau klausimų man nekilo jei kada ir turėsiu dar moca tai tik Yamaha R6
2010 Kovo 27 11:33
Puslapiai: 123

